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mainTex (string)
normalTex (string)
specularTex (string)
specularLighting (bool)
useNormalMap (bool)
useSpecularMap (bool)
useDisplacementMap (bool)
reflectivity (float)
shineDamper (float)
normalMapStrength (float)
displacementMapStrength (float)
color (Color)


Empty constructor


setMainTex(mainTex : string)

Sets the main texture of the material.

setNormalTex(normalTex : string)

Sets the normal map of the material.

setSpecularTex(specularTex : string)

Sets the specular map of the material.

setDisplacementTex(displacementMap : string)

Sets the displacement map of the material.

setSpecularLighting(specularLighting : bool)

Sets whether or not the material should use specular lighting.

setUseNormalMap(useNormalMap : bool)

Sets whether or not the material should use a normal map.

setUseSpecularMap(useSpecularMap : bool)

Sets whether or not the material should use a specular map.

setUseDisplacementMap(useDisplacementMap : bool)

Sets whether or not the material should use a displacement map.

setReflectivity(reflectivity : float)

Sets the reflectivity of the material.

setShineDamper(shineDamper : float)

Sets the shine damper of the material.

setNormalMapStrength(strength : float)

Sets the strength of the normal map, if one is applied.

setDisplacementMapStrength(strength : float)

Sets the strength of the displcaement map, if one is applied.

setColor(color : Color)

Sets the color of the material.